
Showing posts from February, 2014

Frankenstein - Grouch & Zion I

Are you who you say you are of just a sliver of who you're supposed to be? - Grouch While there are number of deeper meanings to why Victor Frankenstein created a monster, the most straight forward of them all was doing so as a service to humanity. Upon completion of the task at hand Victor became repulsed by his creation. So disgusted with himself he went into a deep dark depression and spent every waking hours devoted to destroying what he created. In the past 40 years our world has (d)evolved immensely. We spend our time staring at Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. We've traded character for popularity, morale fortitude for money, and passion for instant gratification. A monster has been created. The internet was originally manufactured for two professors to communicate to one another and now it's used for so many more purposes. Just like everyone else I hear the beep on my phone and feel the itchy trigger finger to see who may have contacted me. This track is a test...