
Showing posts from January, 2014

Blu & Exile - More Out of Life

We got to find why's to change this shit... Blu & Exile create some seriously stellar tracks. You'll dig in, listen intently, and realize that you too will want more out of life. It's infectious, thought provoking, and somewhat chaotic. Blu spews truth laced with a tinge of depression which appears to be just a page out of his life. In just about every song he graces there's a sense of reflection and self evolution.  Coming from a father who's a pastor, Blu stays away from being even remotely close to preachy, and always gives a healthy slice of reality. I love his style, wit, and overall skill set. If you haven't enjoyed this track get ready for a great treat.  [Verse 1] Somebody wanted guidance, looked inside to find it You know them blind kids, money on their eyelids Kissing on the fly gyp-ship from the Egyptian islands Gems in the hymns said the chant The moon man grins, hair on my chin grows Hair on my chest burn Flare in my soul cold I can't sl...

Martin Luther King Day - 2014

Once again it's MLK day and again I can't seem to find a song on par with this one. So I figure I'll re-post the same I've put up the last two years. Enjoy. Martin Luther King Jr. is a legend. In some sense he reminds of a seasoned boxer who absolutely refuses to loose. Before a winning fighter can even entertain entering a ring he must diligently prepare a strategic plan to take down his opponent. Meanwhile he trains beyond what he thought his body was capable of doing. Pushing himself to this limit creates a certain type of mental toughness, one that can't be shook. Then, just when he feels as if there no way he will ever be defeated, he enters the ring. As he looks into his opponents blood thirsty eyes an overwhelming sense of fear enters the body and that uncrackable toughness shows a hairline fracture. Unless you're the best. At one point in time Mike Tyson was truly unbeatable. Here is an excellent quote from him: While I'm in the dressing ...

The Let Go - Similar Days

When we decide to refuse our choices we loose our voices the light gets dimmer too If I take the weak route nothing ever differs so similar days ain't bad they're just simpler This is a great gem I recently re-found. It was buried deep in my library hidden among a million other top tracks. It's a simple song that makes it very clear that if you want to make a difference in your life you need to get up and make the change. There is no other way for you end the problems that continually haunt you unless you look them in the eye and slay them. It's easy to try and drown your problems away in a shot glass, but it's exceptionally difficult to face your problems head on. With the new year ahead of all of us take that one lingering problem head on and defeat it. Grow up and handle your problems and if you need help just look'll be surprised how easy it is to find the answer. Lyrics: The Let Go - Similar Days Everyday's just the same now ai...

Cunninlynguists - Darkness

Searching for answers is like searching for Atlantis Regardless of who you are or what you're capable of achieving there will be multiple points in your life where you will feel overwhelmed. You'll feel lost beyond belief and not even know how you got so far off track. When you look up and realize that you're in such a lost and dark place you may very well question everything in life. What's right may seem wrong, and you may want to shift your thought process in order to adjust to your new surroundings. When that happens sit down toss on some headphones and take a very deep breath.  RELAX...remember who you are, remember where you came from, and more so than any of that remember what made you who you are today. What helped define you to get to where you are now? Why abandon that so readily? You'll be tempted along the way and stroll down the wrong path for a brief moment. It sucks and is something when you look back on with a clear mind you will regret, but...

Kno - Rhythm of the Rain

She's my sunshine but I'm catching melanoma I've always thought that Tunji was one of the more talented up and coming artists ready to hit the scene with a big bang. Unfortunately it appears he's put his mic aside to become an A&R for a record label and as far as I'm concerned more power to him. He just has that certain lyrical prowess that allows his skill set to outshine just about everyone when graces a track...that is unless Kno decides to bring his A game.  Kno's verse is beautiful mess. It depicts what it is to fall in love with a maniac depressive woman tying it altogether with a metaphor of a bumpy plane ride. I love this song and in particular his verse lends a helping hand to someone who's fallen down that same twisted path. Lyrics: Kno - Rhythm of the Rain (ft. Thee Tom Hardy & Tunji) Dancing to the rhythm of the rain How could I go wrong? I was ruling my mind I must have been blind Dancing to the rhythm of the rain How could I go...