The Let Go - Similar Days

When we decide to refuse our choices we loose our voices the light gets dimmer too

If I take the weak route nothing ever differs so similar days ain't bad they're just simpler

This is a great gem I recently re-found. It was buried deep in my library hidden among a million other top tracks. It's a simple song that makes it very clear that if you want to make a difference in your life you need to get up and make the change. There is no other way for you end the problems that continually haunt you unless you look them in the eye and slay them. It's easy to try and drown your problems away in a shot glass, but it's exceptionally difficult to face your problems head on. With the new year ahead of all of us take that one lingering problem head on and defeat it. Grow up and handle your problems and if you need help just look'll be surprised how easy it is to find the answer.

Lyrics: The Let Go - Similar Days

Everyday's just the same now ain't it
Not a damn thing ever changes
Waiting for it to pass cause it seems so plain
Everyday's just the same now ain't it
Not a damn thing ever changes
Waiting for it to pass cause it seems so plain

The morning comes and I'm left with a lonely buzz
Hungover wondering what the warning was
The coroner comes and the autopsy
Tells the mom an odd body in an ornery drunk
Doesn't take a lot for your life to change
Just a little thought no physical exertion
You couldn't stop all the senseless pain
The beauty of it all is none of us are perfect
What you're worth is only gets determined
By opening your curtains and facing all your burdens
Skeletons and demons jealousy and cheating
Telling us the reason why time is so fleeting
It blends together and fuses moments
When we decide to refuse our choices
We loose our voices the light gets dimmer too
Everyday is different but some seem similar

Everyday's just the same now ain't it
Not a damn thing ever changes
Waiting for it to pass cause it seems so plain
Everyday's just the same now ain't it
Not a damn thing ever changes
Waiting for it to pass cause it seems so plain

But wait I don't think so
We need to think more
I watched whole world change on some swing votes
It's so easy to sink low
The whole worlds got you down let the drinks flow
And then the days just waste away
While you sit there waiting on a change of pace
But it's up to you to grab
Kick them bad habits in the ass
Like I've had enough God dammit
I'm alive yeah I'm alive
But I can't count the nights I've spent alone and cried
Like nothing ever changes
Always stays the same
I'm aiming in all directions like it's you who's to blame
But it's all on me now to see how
How to reach out and teach myself how to be proud
If I take the weak route nothing ever differs
So similar days ain't bad they're just simpler

Everyday's just the same now ain't it
Not a damn thing ever changes
Waiting for it to pass cause it seems so plain
Everyday's just the same now ain't it
Not a damn thing ever changes
Waiting for it to pass cause it seems so plain

Each scene repeat
Same thing each week
Each scene repeat
Same thing next week
Each scene repeat
Same thing each week
Each scene repeat
Same thing next week


  1. You're kidding right? I like the let go but that's a mediocre track especially that godawful singing


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