Horrorshow - Rain (Lyrics)

I have had a couple of these days lately. Song just got released and came into my life at the perfect time. I think it is pretty self explanatory but really listen to it and read the lyrics at the same time if you have to. Love, respect, and enjoy.

Horrorshow lyrics
Have you ever had a day that you wanted to erase?
Tear the page out the history books and try again?
But you knew that you couldn’t so you put on brave face
And waited ‘till you could make your escape
And when you finally got away from the people
And the gossip and their judgment and their gaze
You let your guard down and something just gave
All of sudden tears falling till they are running down your face
Whatever it was you fought with your friend or you boss
Or maybe you got a heart that won’t mend
Or you are struggling with the rent or missing someone you lost
Or maybe you are just tired of pretending
You feel the weight like a pain in your chest
You strain and ache and your break and you sob
And its great till it stops till it fades like the tears washed it all away
Sometimes I like to think it’s the same with drops of rain
Each one is just a tear falling off of Gods face
Sitting all alone in the clouds looking down on us all
Watching every mistake that was ever made
Every bit of pain, every murder, every rape
Every person who is having a shitty day
Taking it all in until he breaks down and cries
Until his eyes dry up and he gets on with it again
I had this very faith tested on an ordinary day
I was walking down a busy street along my way
Saw a face in the crowd that made my heart skip a beat
A man who looked exactly like an older version of me
So I moved through the hustle and the bustle of the day to day
Until me and this man stood face to face
We locked eyes and for a moment time moved in slow motion
As the crowd around continued on their paper chase
I stood frozen in disbelief and opened my mouth to spit
To my surprise the words wouldn’t come
And then he looks into the clear sky above and says, “It’s gonna rain”
And then it does?!?
And as the rain came down like missiles from the sky
Sent on a collision course from the heavens to the ground
He is just standing in the middle of it
Unconcerned with all the panic of the people running round
So I step to this man with my hand outstretched
Just to offer him some help to get this storm up off his head
He took my hand down and we stood getting drenched
He looked me in the eyes smiled and this is what he said
“Hush child from the joy to the pain it will all wash away in the rain”
“Hush child from the joy to the pain it will all wash away in the rain”
So play this song on the days when the rain keeps on
And you wait and you pray it will stop
And if you are stuck in a storm then spare a second
For the thought that we all at mercy of the Gods
So instead of looking for somewhere to place the blame
Accept it as apart of that big hazy day
Go outside and step under the clouds
And embrace it as the rain keeps plummeting down
And say
“Hush child from the joy to the pain it will all wash away in the rain”
“Hush child from the joy to the pain it will all wash away in the rain”
“Hush child from the joy to the pain it will all wash away in the rain”
“Hush child from the joy to the pain it will all wash away in the rain”
From the million dollar brands to the tags on the train it will all wash away in the rain
From the birth to the dirt from the cradle to the grave it will all wash away in the rain
What has been and gone will come again it will all wash away in the rain
So hush child from the joy to the pain it will all wash away in the rain


  1. Turned on the radio today, expecting nothing and .... found me glued to that song.

    Rushed to the computer.

    First hit - your site.

    Thanks! :-)

    You're right. It's got body and depth. Lyrics, composition and beat mesh a density which carries away leaving enough space for you to join in.

  2. This is song shook me to my very core, a rare find in these days of overhyped substanceless autotunes overseas garbage, I bought it immediately, and I recommend you support these upstanding Australian Artists too.

  3. Awesome. Totally not usually into Aussie hip hop, but this song is something else!

  4. I heard this song and it hit me. great song. was totally engrossed and couldnt stop follwing the story. one of the finest stories to come from a song.

  5. Saw these guys live a couple of nites ago, they are sooo good, everyone must go along and see them at least once, I've now seen them twice and loved every minute of it.
    My favorite song by far, speaks to us all.

  6. Thank you for posting these lyrics.. This song is pure brilliance.

  7. Horrorshow are amazing, cannot wait to see them live.

  8. This song is brilliant.
    Listening to JJJ and then this came on.
    Left me with chills.

    Wonderful composition and lyrics that have themes that we can relate to and symphosise for.

  9. The freakiest moment just happened! I've been so down lately, it hurts to be awake sometimes.... anyway I live in NW Aus and it never rains, it's raining now and I couldn't think of the proper lyrics to this song, so this is the first page that gave them to me. I read them, and was blown away at the depth, then within seconds of finishing, the biggest crack of thunder hit closer than ever. A sign? Well I hope so, none the less, I have hope in the rain. Positve.........

  10. You know its funny how life works. This song was there for me when I needed it most, hope things start to look a bit brighter for you.

  11. After listening to the first few lines of this song I burst into tears. I broke someone's heart and their pain broke me - our hearts were like one so their pain was my pain - life goes on but my heart still bleeds...

  12. I went through a pretty gnarly break up and for a long time I was in a deep and very dark place. The only true thing to heal such a pain is time.
    But you know what??? I feel great now and I am actually happy that I was even able to have that person enter my life. If you are out there I'll post another song by Horrorshow that is actually about the pain of breaking up.

    Best of luck to you my friend.

  13. I agree "the rain" is such a good song, talks to me and so easy to relate to, any word on when you will be posting another song of horrorshow's about breaking up??? anymore to come from the new inside story album? love your work!

  14. Sorry for the delay I posted it up for you.

  15. i think i am a bit slow. but hey i found this song.

    i almost cry first time i heard it. a few months ago
    its so real. unlike those mainstream crap. :)

    thanks to you. i found it :D
    thank you so much


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