My Mission

I grew up in affluence with a foundation and tools essential for success. Both my parents have advanced degrees in Psychology and were positive role models who inspired me to be the very best I could be. What makes me more qualified to start with this kind of foundation? In the lottery of life I would say I am pretty damn lucky. But I don’t deserve this anymore than the next man, woman, or child. What about all the people who grow up in atrocious neighborhoods where the philosophy to life is entirely different? No role models, no tools, no money, no real way to even have a fighting chance from the get go.

My goal is to inspire, educate, motivate and activate these people towards a more prosperous lifestyle. I want to lead horses to water, horses that have been so malnourished that drinking water doesn’t even seem like a necessity to their life. It’s very sad to see the vicious cycle of poverty repeat itself over and over again. My father was motivated enough to break out of that cycle. When I asked him what was the driving factor that helped promote his success he replied, “the 60’s”. It was the first time in life where he didn’t listen to anything he had been told before. All the negative thoughts of failure were pushed aside and due to the cultural philosophies spread during that era he realized that anything is possible if you apply yourself. For the first time in his life he abandoned all the negative, dream killing words spoken from his parents and instead listened to positive role models that inspired him to new plateaus.

I see hip-hop as an outlet to help the future of our children. When I say hip-hop I mean the socially aware, expressing yourself kind of hip-hop. The kind of music that makes you question and evolve your thought process. These artists exist but whether it is corporate greed or the flawed ideals that money, sex, and violence sell they aren’t often heard on the radio. When there are millions of people who idealize the teaching of 50 Cent or worship the ground Lil Wayne walks on it only glorifies and reinforces appallingly bad behavior. I have nothing but love these guys as entertainers, but the buck stops there. Let that kind of music amuse you and appreciate the rough lifestyle and struggles that many of these artists pulled themselves out of.

My philosophy is to promote positive icons. What happened to the Martin Luther Kings, the Mother Theresa’s, the kind of people that absolutely change the world? I assure you these people are out there and some of them are buried deep. My mission is to let you in on what inspires me to be a better person. Through every facet available I will do my very best to bring just little bit of light to the darkness. So in the words of Zion I “Let your inner light shine.”


  1. I'm happy to have come across your blog. I absolutly share your taste of hip-hip. This is the kind of hip-hop that represents to me what hip-hop is about. I'm always looking for good stuff and it's nice that you have gathered together so many excellent titles here! Thanks for that!

    1. That's great to hear! So who are some of your favorite artists?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Sorry that I haven't answered earlier. I was quite busy during the last weeks.
    I would count the following among my favorites artistis: Grouch, Eligh, Murs, Atmosphere, Slug, The Opus, Visionaries, De La Soul, Josh Martinez, Pigeon John, Benefit, Myka 9, Zion I, Sole, Alias, Brother Ali, Newcleus (the best of very old-school hip-hop), some things of PE and ,well, Gangstarr (or Guru if you like).
    I know there are lots of other good artists. Your page have raised my interest for new ones I haven't listed to before, thanks for that!


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