
Showing posts from 2022

The Kids - Sol

"Real shit Fuck the politics. Fuck around and start thinking about the kids. I ain't trying to tell nobody how to live. I just wanna see you live." We are at a very unique time in the history of our world. I genuinely feel an abundance of hope for our future but at this exact intersect we as humanity are stumbling all over ourselves. The mental and physical health of western society is compromised and I fear if we don't do something we are on a collision course with something gnarly. While I am here on earth I have no desire to see this happen and will make the changes necessary for a brighter future. I may have neglected this blog for some time, but there have been many fascinating realm altering stories that have happened in my life. The amount of blessing bestowed upon me are gorgeous and I am forever grateful.  We as the human race need to come together and do things for our kids. The future entirely depends on it. There are so many religions, myths and beliefs an...