Brother Ali - Us

Brother Ali is dropping a new Album on Sept. 22nd called Brother Ali - Us. Amazing album and I assure you this guy has an intelligence far past his pedigree. His lyrics are inpirational on so many levels. I actually got to chat with him the other day on U-Stream. He just finished a show in Paris and was talking to some of his fans all the way from Europe. After well over 3 hours of engaging his fans he took off, but I was nothing short of impressed. I embedded two of his tracks that were amazing. The first song is about how madly and wildly in love he is. The second is regarding, what I believe is his ex-wife, being raped and dealing with the copious amount of pain that accompanies such a painful event.

The reason I like this guy so much is because he literally picked himself out of poverty into the limelight all while keeping a positive outlook on life. Instead of placing blame or complaining why the world dealt him such shitty cards, he accepts his situation and alters it through hard work and dedication. This is a man worthy of much respect. So dive into his albums and let his gut wrenching flows and acid tuned beats take your brain for an inspirational ride.


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