De La Soul means from the soul

When it comes to longevity few have De La Soul beat. I think I can accurately say there isn’t an active rapper alive who wasn’t influenced by De La Soul. It has been almost 22 years since Prince Paul took these guys under his wing and over that period of time they have coasted to the top. During an era when Dr. Dre released “The Chronic 2001”, De La dropped the “Art Official Intelligence: Bionix.” While the doctors album may be critically acclaimed and one of the best club bangers of all time you can’t take anything away from De La Soul and their second installment to the AOI series. “Baby Phat”, one of the singles from the cd puts a big smile on my face every time I hear it. If you haven’t heard it before you are definitely missing out because it’s one of the few hip-hop songs glorifying real life voluptuous women.

De La has never been known for incredible metaphors or wordplay but rather straight forward witty lyrics. Withstanding the test of time has been difficult for many. But I guess when you are coming "from the soul" you have nothing but success to look forward to.

De La Soul – Held Down

And when I’m watching the news and my daughter walks in and choose to ask

“Why were all those people on floor sleeping covered in red?”

I told her, “they were looking for god but found religion instead.”


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