Shad - I'll Never Understand

Shad has officially become my favorite artist. His lyrical prowess, depth, and raw emotion literally put tears in my eyes. Now that I just purchased "When This is Over" I have this amazing mans complete discography. He is hands down the most prolific and genuine artists of any genre. Here is the rundown on Shad K.
  • Born in Kenya
  • Family from Rwanda
  • Grew up in London, Ontario
  • Lives in Vancouver
  • Has a degree in business
  • Is getting his masters degree
  • Has 3 albums
  • Doesn't cuss in his songs
  • Real name Shadrach Kabango
  • He doesn't smoke
Shad has this uncanny ability to create double and even triple entendres with the drop of a hat. t It's clearly beyond remarkable. When listening to his lyrics you can tell he has a great heart and moral fortitude that won't erode. The latter point being insanely important. In an industry that takes aspiring humble artists and turns them into two bit TMZ tokens it is extremely easy to loose hope. Kayne West looked like he would bring art back to hip-hop. In a matter of months instead of changing the beast from within he was gutted only to be left with a hollow soul.

Although I've never met Shadrach Kabango if he is half the man his lyrics portray then he is the silver lining. If you listen to this song about the absolute disgusting trauma his mother had to endure while living in Rwanda and don't feel some sort of sympathy then you aren't an empathetic human being. This is very prophetic stuff so listen to it and enjoy.

Lyrics: Shad - I'll Never Understand

The killers
You’ve invaded my nights
Singing your haunting lullaby
Drowning other voices
Sending me to sleep

You’ve awakened me many mornings
Like an unexpected alarm
Shattering my dreams
I’ve talked to you in tears and anger
Spat on you in rage
Whispered to you in sorrow
Tied you in chains
Thrown you in jail

I’ve pulled you out
Asked you many questions
Knowing there would be no answers...

I’ll never understand how flesh being torn apart feels
Or how after all this suffering a heart heals
On the rich green fields where they killed old and young
Cold and numb, under the light of a golden sun
It still stuns, tell me what possesses man
To, in anger, raise his hand?
I’ll never understand...

I tied you in chains
Again and again, round and round
Until the chains, in my dizziness
bound me to you
you and I becoming one!
Bound by the chains of hate
I knew then the choices to make...

I’ll never understand how it felt
when my mom lost her dad
her sister and the only brother that she ever had
and I’ll never know what’s more sad
the fact they could’ve been spared
or the fact that to this day nobody cares
for the innocent
victims of a full-fledged holocaust
because folks only holler if the cost
of dollars lost is high
so regardless of the number of lives
when poor blacks die
they always turn a blind eye
and I’ll never understand why...

I untied the chains
Letting go

Of those who converged on my dad
leaving him dead

I untied the chains
Letting go

Of those who propelled the grenade
Scattering my brother’s brains

I untied the chains
Letting go

Of those who knifed my sister’s throat
Leaving her begging for a better death

I untied the chains
Knowing the one who said to do it
Seventy times seven
Totally understands the depth of my pain...

I’ll never understand how people can go on and live
The miracle of finding the strength to forgive
To resurrect peace, to close up wounds so deep
they pierce souls beneath heart beats
To be a willful slave to a loving God’s commands
The key to a freedom that I’ll never understand.


  1. My brother and his friends got to talk to Shad for 10 minutes after a concert this weekend, cause no one's really heard of him!!

  2. Thats awesome. He is really huge out in Canada, but not very well known here in the States. I know he is on a tour with K-os right now and I'm stoked to see him play next week in S.F. Hopefully I have a chance to get to meet this amazing artist.

  3. Opotunity...

    Kener Assis
    (Rio de Janeiro)

  4. Yes! Yes! Yes! Always loved his deep lines, this song's the epitome of his musical style, and the lack of swearing. So much love to Shad. There's SO much more that I could write here but in short.....please stay up Mr. Kabango. You have not gone unnoticed.

  5. Yeah, absolutely amazing artist. One of the very few rap artists that I feel comfortable listening to in public, almost no offensive lines. Pretty much as bad as it gets is "biggest thing out of Canada since Pamela's double's" which is just funny lol


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