The Residents - Veterans ft. Edo G

Hip-hop at it's finest and an absolute underground banger. Between Muneshine, Saint, and Edo G. you've got yourself a superb producer and well versed emcee's to create the perfect concoction of seasoning. While the song may be a refreshing take on a terrible topic it keeps the taste buds begging for more. I always rapture in joy for a song portraying distaste in the current state of affairs for the industry. So without further ado, enjoy!

Lyrics: The Residents - Veterans ft. Edo G.

You think the truth is clear?
Good thing for you the truth is here
When the truth you fear is whats in front of you
Whatcha gonna do but run when I pull the rug from under you
A lot of talk I'm hearing is true lies
You guys who try to be something you're not, frontin'
You fumbled your raw style it's not appealing at all
Put the mic down right now it's lights out
For the phony the future is looking dim
For anybody flapping jaw take a hook to the chin
No bullshitting
It's T R U T H that do great forget looking moon in the face
Talking till you're blue in the face
It makes no difference
Yeah you're persistent but we face no resistance
Tired as some michelins
Hit the road jack get the gats
Your bitch can get the ballsack

Yeah yo check this out
This goes out to all ghettos
Squash devils on all levels
Edo rock your pebbles
I'm Lebron you're Carmello's
That's second place
Protect your space
I ain't aiming for the neck or waist
I'm hitting head and face
I'm waiting to feel
You a dog but you're chasing your tail
Running in circles
While them cops encircle
I'm about virtue without trying to hurt you
It's past has come little jigger
My road is much rigor
The vigor much bigger than any young spitter
Vocab gun triggers attracting gold diggers
Y'all some cold niggas
I don't think so
Cause you think slow
It's the keypad homie not the ink flow
The color green distinctive money
We don't laugh at everything that you think is funny

How I talk about the industry nothing to loose
These other cats are bad energy something to prove
Dudes are running out of topics teaching lies for profits
Got the kids believing reaching inside their pockets
Reminiscing when I had a meeting with Def Jam
They said, "You nice but need to sound like the rest man
Kids want guns and drugs but I wish you the best fam"
Yeah you might be right but I deal with the left hand
In other words my motives are the opposite
Of the politics of when and when not to spit
So you got to get it left before you get it right
We all need to set examples for a better life
And by that I mean legally
It's easily a slippery slope
From living in poverty to selling dope
Rappers you never know who's listening and missing the fact
You act thug as a way to attract
We got children overseas who ain't making it back
True folks for real why you feeding them jacks
"Oh why you hating?"
I'm just stating the facts
Something for you to contemplate while you making them tracks
"Nah chill" I wish I could but can't afford to relax
If I don't care who will would you choose the blue pill
When fate becomes real telling you how you feel
It's not just a verse it's real loose the veil


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