Paper and Coins - Jaq ft Cas Metah

Stumbled on this joint super randomly. It resonated with me so I decided to transcribe it. Don't even know if this song is more of a metaphor or a story about someone in particular. Pretty confident if anyone hits this post they will enjoy this track.

Paper and Coins - Jaq ft Cas Metah

She the type when she has it she flash it
But when the cash absent she act sick
Ball caught enough to make you think she's half pit
Not a crack addict money's a bad habit
Long as her pockets are fat she fine
Got a man got a plan called the grand design
Her daddy was hustler momma was a dime
She never had an option for this life of crime
Started off selling soft on the block
Got caught, got locked, got out and got back on
D boys jockin em for first place
Ohh well don't tell but I'm get that gold medal
Man I got something worth more than earth lore
A birth pure and that's word to your first born
Just trust put the dope down
He got more important worries than getting dough now

And there's nothing you can say to me to make me change my mind
I've taken the time waited in line
Make it a point to pray every morning
And never been pressed about the paper and coins
And there's nothing you can say to me to make me change my mind
I've taken the time waited in line
Make it a point to pray every morning
And never been pressed about the paper and coins

She hasn't showered in two days
Let alone sat and powdered her blue face
Breath foul since she ran out of toothpaste
Left sour now that the cloud sprouts new rain
Pushing through the couch cushion counting on loose change 
Found nothing but some crumbs and food stains
And baby fed up 
Cause it's hard to keep her head up when she can't keep her bread up
Never one to get a gun next to pressure
Yet right now she feeling like the blaw might bless her 
And how I'm going to help her in one hell of a question
Guess it's one step every second 
So I begin by directing her to end her session
Lessons in the breath less lessons in death come
Cheddar come cheddar go 
But as long as there is a shred of hope know you're never broke

And there's nothing you can say to me to make me change my mind
I've taken the time waited in line
Make it a point to pray every morning
And never been pressed about the paper and coins
And there's nothing you can say to me to make me change my mind
I've taken the time waited in line
Make it a point to pray every morning
And never been pressed about the paper and coins


  1. hey man, i just stumbled across your blog. love it, keep up the good work! stay positive

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